Food waste bags
Did you know that rolls of food waste caddy bags are for sale at Forehill Library?
Save the trip into town and pop into the library instead.
This letter is to bring to your attention an increase in the number of sheep worrying reports received in the Ayrshire area. As lambing time approaches, Police Scotland has taken the decision to contact your community to highlight the seriousness of this crime and the penalties it incurs.
Please click on the image to download the letter as a PDF
Forehill Library at 31-33 Mt Oliphant Crescent is a hive of activity!
Your local library is an ideal place to spend some time and is open to all ages 0-100! Why not check it out and try something new?
There are board games and jigsaws, a knit and natter group, a colouring book station and as colouring books are increasingly found to be a good source of therapy and relaxation- adults are catered for here too!
Tea and coffee is 50p a cup.
You can make use of the computers within the library, or you can take your own laptop and share the FREE wi-fi.
Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council is looking for suggestions for activities that you want to see at your local library.
Message us on facebook at or email with your suggestions.
It's YOUR community so please get involved!
Home Security Advice from Police Scotland:
South Ayrshire 1000 - Citezens’ Panel
South Ayrshire Council with its partners in the public and voluntary sectors, wants to survey attitudes and views on public services and policy issues.
Citizens’ Panels are a way for local people to provide feedback on a range of issues and influence decision makers. The South Ayrshire Citizens’ Panel is called “South Ayrshire 1000” as it is the intention to have 1,000 members on the Panel. We have managed to recruit around 850 people who live in South Ayrshire who volunteered to
The Scottish Government has recently set up a national website highlighting the role of community councils.
See the letter below.
GET INVOLVED — Your input is what will help our community come together.
We would love to hear from you. We want this website to be about you. Send us your pictures, share your memories, tell us your stories about our area and we will publish them on our webpages. Let us know if you, or someone you know in the area, is celebrating a special occasion.
Check our website and facebook pages for forthcoming competitions.
Come to our meetings. FHMCC meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Kyle Academy and we extend a warm welcome to local residents.
Please email us seven days before the meeting with you agenda item
Join us on Facebook at
Email us at
Phone Us on 07935 169 749
Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Click picture to enlarge
Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Click picture to enlarge
News 2017
Home Security Advice from Police Scotland:
Local Development Plan
South Ayrshire Council Planning Office are asking local Residents for their input to their Local Development Plan 2. Ayr East Residents are invited to go along to the new Ayr Academy, University Avenue on 12th December to find out more. The exhibition is from 5pm to 7pm.
View their leaflet here »
Carers and Young Carers Survey
Give us your views to help us develop our 2018 to 2021 Carers Strategy
At some point in our lives, many of us will care for a relative, friend or neighbour who needs support in their daily lives.
South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership is keen to hear what kind of support you need in the run-up to the new Carers (Scotland) Act which comes into effect in April 2018, to support people who provide unpaid care (carers).
Your feedback will help us decide how we should plan to make things better for carers in South Ayrshire over the next couple of years.
This questionnaire has been designed to seek the views of both adult and young carers. You do not need to complete every question but we would like as many views as possible.
Any information you give will be treated in strict confidence and will be used only for the purposes of developing a Carers Strategy that meets the needs of those living in South Ayrshire.
View the current Carers Strategy
View the questionnaire
Find out more about the support available to carers in South Ayrshire
Please note that the questionnaire will close on Friday 15th December 2017.
If you require this questionnaire in another format please contact Gabrielle Coyle on 01292 612340 or email
National Concessionary Travel Card
The Scottish Government have opened a consultation about the National Concessionary Travel Card – the Bus Pass. They are asking for our opinion on proposals to change the eligibility of the scheme.Have your say on this important topic, one which potentially affects us all, by visiting their site and completing the short questionnaire.
This consultation will close on 17 Nov 2017
Forehill Café is in the running again!
Scotland's top fish and chip shops have been revealed today and include three from Ayrshire.
Dinos in Ayr, The Forehill Café in Ayr and The Wee Plaice in Largs are among six shortlisted for the Fish and Chip Shop of the Year Award – one of 15 categories in the 2018 National Fish & Chip Awards.
Read the full story here »
Gaelic Language Plan
South Ayrshire Council invite you to read their proposals for the Gaelic Language Plan at this link
second Draft Gaelic Language Plan, following which they ask you to complete their questionnaire by visiting the survey link at r/K5HSTFL
The survey closes on 15th November 2017.
Lost Heron
Trying to fly south for the winter, this wee feathered friend could go far,
But to get where he wanted right quickly, he should have just travelled by car.
If you recognise this lonely wee birdie, help him find his way back to his abode,
He hasn't gone far that we know of and can be found in Allandale Road.
Phone 07456 660 795
Forehill Primary School
The Community Council send warm congratulations to David Watson of Forehill Primary School in his recent success at the Scottish Education Awards 2017 when he was voted Head Teacher of the year. David credits his pupils as the real recipients of the award and took the school's head boy and head girl to the ceremony with him. Congratulations David. A well deserved accolade
Community Council Vacancy
The Community Council has two vacancies in sub ward Masonhill, Castlehill. Residents who are interested in becoming a Community Councillor should contact the secretary on 07935169749 or email Candidates must be aged 18 years or over. The closing date for applications is 12thAugust 2017.
Trading Standards Alert — Distraction Burglary
Trading Standards have become aware of 2 bogus South Ayrshire Council workers targeting an 84 year old woman in the Ayr area on 28th July 2017. The men claimed to be there to carry out garden work. Both men, in their 40's used distraction methods to gain entry to the woman's home, however, the lady became suspicious and on threatening to call the police, they left. The lady was left shaken but unhurt.
Police are aware and are dealing with the situation.
Please pass this information on to anyone who may benefit from this information and encourage them to be vigilant at all times.
Stagecoach Route Changes
Service 1 – Service 1 will now remain on a 30 minute frequency but will incorporate the Masonhill terminus on its route.The route between 0900 and 1800 will be Ayr Town Centre – St Andrews Street – Glencairn Road – Hillfoot Road – Masonhill – Clarendon Place – Caledonia Road – St Andrews Street – Ayr Town Centre. Morning and evening journeys will operate via Ashgrove Street and not St Andrews Street. Evening journeys will not serve Masonhill.
Read the full story here »
Petition Submitted
Well done to two local Residents and Community Councillors, Sarah Gamble and Mary Lewis got out and about recently to drive a petition against Stagecoach's proposed changes to the bus timetables in Ayr East. The friends collected signatures from hundreds of local Residents by posting the petitions at local shops, by boarding buses and by posting an online petition. They submitted the petition to the Stagecoach office in Ayr by the deadline date. Over to you Stagecoach. We will keep our Residents updated on the progress of this petition.
Proposed Changes To Bus Service Route 1
In August 2017 Stagecoach propose to alter bus routes and times of service No 1 in the Hillfoot/Masonhill area. Their plan is to combine the hourly service from Hillfoot/Masonhill by using Glencairn Road as the route into/from Ayr and to stop completely the current bus service along Caledonia Road. Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council have been approached by concerned local Residents and we support their current petition opposing these changes. The petition is available for signature in Forehill Library. We ask our Residents who cannot manage in to the Library to sign the online petition by clicking on this link:- oppose-stagecoach-changes-in-ayr-east.html
Invitation to AED Training, 26th June 2017
The Community Council have purchased a Defibrillator which will be housed in a secure box on the front wall of Forehill Library enabling round the clock access to the machine.
The Scottish Ambulance Service have offered to carry out training on how to use the AED and this will take place in Forehill Library on Monday 26th June, between 9am and 12.30.
The Community Council would like to invite Local Residents to join us and find out how
to use this fantastic life-saving piece of equipment.
Numbers for the training are restricted due to the space available. Please book your place no later than 19th June by text/phone to 07935 169 749 or email . Participants will be decided on a first come first served basis.
A77 Upgrade Group
The Community Council recently welcomed members of the A77 Upgrade group who gave a very interesting presentation regarding traffic issues on the A77. The impact of traffic congestion along our By-pass affects all local travel and included in the groups' request for new and safer roads to the south is a request to upgrade the A77 to a dual carriageway from Whitletts onwards.The Community Council supports the group and asks local residents to sign and share their petition. If successful, our section of the A77 will be made safer for us all. The petition closing date is the 19th June 2017.
The link below will take you to the A77 Upgrade group's petition. Petitions/a77upgrade
Taste @ Ayr
Re the training restaurant at Ayrshire College, Ayr Campus. We have a great training restaurant here at Ayr where you can come for lunch — a delicious 3 course meal including tea or coffee is only £7.50. Guests can also bring their own bottle if they wish to.(no charge)The restaurant is open from Tuesday to Friday each week (during term time) and lunches start at 12pm — last sitting would be 1pm although there is no set closing time. We close for this year on Friday 19th May and will reopen again in October.
Download some sample menus for your information so you can see what sort of dishes would be available.
Downlaod Sample Menu 1
Downlaod Sample Menu 2
We only use high quality fresh produce from local suppliers. We take group bookings — the restaurant seats 40 and the whole restaurant can be booked out by one group.
Easter Bonnet Competition
Stagecoach plan to change the service of our local buses, Nos. 1 and 9. They say these services are lightly used and propose to operate a combined service, service No 1, from Hillfoot/Masonhill to Ayr using the Glencairn Road route (instead of Caledonia Road).
If you want to find out more about this reduction in our bus service and make your feelings known, Stagecoach are holding a public consultation at Ayr Town Hall, Friday 9th June, 1pm to 7pm.
You can read their full report on their website at
Southcraig School
We recently received a tour of Southcraig School in Belmont Avenue, Ayr and what a wonderful facility this is for our area. A warm, tactile place where the pupils needs are what it's all about. We are happy to publish the school newsletter on our website and you can have a read at … Read Newsletter Here
Spring Gardening Project
This project is now closed
Cut It Back
Some local residents have voiced concerns about overhang from gardens blocking access on public footpaths and causing pedestrians, Mums with prams and the elderly and infirm to step onto the road to get past. We ask you to please check your garden for this and prune back any impeding overhang.
FHMCC wish all of our residents happy times now spring has sprung.
Ayrshire Homes
FHMCC wishes to thank Ayrshire Homes for their recent grant awarded in support of our 2016 / 17 projects. Information on the community council projects can be found in our monthly minutes at:
South Ayrshire Council External Funding Newsletter June 2016
Download the South Ayrshire Council External Funding Newsletter June 2016 here.
South Ayrshire Befriending Project is currently recruiting volunteers! For an application form please telephone 01292 264000, email or download from our website at
The South Ayrshire Befriending Project (SABP) is a small, locally-run charitable company (limited by guarantee), based in Ayr and is looking to recruit new Board members. We wondered whether you would be able to circulate this within your group to see if anyone would be interested.
The Project was established in 1996 and has a proven track record of providing an effective befriending service for socially isolated and vulnerable young people (aged 8 to 18) within South Ayrshire, focusing mainly on those with social or emotional difficulties, but also including some with whose social isolation is attributable to learning difficulties or diagnosed medical conditions. In its sector of expertise, the Project has been accredited as Excellent with respect to the Befriending Networks' professional standards of good practice.
With budgeted annual expenditure of less than £150,000, and a small employed staff team of 5 (required to carry out the functions of planning, co-ordinating and administering the Project's day-to-day activities), the SABP supports around 50 young people each year through the provision of 1:1 befriending and group activities.
A small Management Group of unpaid volunteers is responsible for strategically overseeing the work of the Project's paid staff and unpaid befrienders.
The Project is constantly seeking to ‘recruit’ suitably qualified/experienced people on an unpaid voluntary basis to work alongside, or as a member of the Project's Management Group.
In particular, the Project is looking for people:
- who have a genuine interest and concern for the welfare of children and young people (aged 8-18) within South Ayrshire whose lives are disadvantaged due to social or emotional difficulties, and/or diagnosed medical conditions or learning disabilities.
- ideally with some experience of :
- working in an organisation/establishment (e.g. schools, social work, child care charities, etc.) involved with the ‘set’ of children and young people whom the Project aims to assist; and/or
- Knowledge / understanding of governance applicable to the voluntary sector (including current relevant legislation applicable to Charities, employment, health & safety at work, child protection, etc.);
- Fundraising;
- Financial planning and management;
- Staff management, policy development and decision making; and
- ICT skills and data protection.
- commit to attending the meetings of the Management Group (which meets approximately once every six weeks from 7pm for up to about to 2 hours);
- contribute constructively to the decision making process involved in the development of SABP as a charitable organisation;
- assume responsibility for the governance of SABP; and
- support the work of the paid staff and unpaid volunteer befrienders, undertaking the daily running of the project.
Ayr residents face seven weeks of road delays with Scottish Water work
Ayr faces seven WEEKS of potential hell on the roads as Scottish Water rip up pipes.
Temporary traffic lights will be used on Holmston Road, on Dongola Road at its junction with Holmston Road, on the Station Road-Holmston Road double roundabouts on the A79 and A70 and on the Castlehill Road-Holmston Road double roundabout.
Only that the schools are off will save there being complete chaos in the area - one of the three main arteries into town.
There will also be a road closure on Belmont Road, at the level crossing, for about six weeks as part of seven weeks of work starting on about July 11.
During this six week period of work, temporary traffic lights will be used on Fenwickland Road at its junction with Belmont Road, Belmont Avenue at its junction with Belmont Road, Nursery Road at its junction with Belmont Road and Meadow Park at its junction with Belmont Road.
There will be a road closure in place in Mill Brae for one week from July 5 as part of seven weeks of work to upgrade pipes.
A Scottish Water spokesman said: “We will do everything we can to complete our work and lift the road traffic management as quickly as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience to road users and thank them in advance for patience.”
Food waste bags
Did you know that rolls of food waste caddy bags are for sale at Forehill Library?
Save the trip into town and pop into the library instead.
Sale of Holmston House
South Ayrshire Council are in the advanced stages of selling Holmston House and the use to which the building will be put may have an impact on our area.
The Community Council have contacted South Ayrshire Council to ask for further information about the sale and the planning zoning for the site. We were advised that the building is zoned for offices but that renovation of the property into dwellings would be looked on favourably.
At this point in time South Ayrshire Council say that they unable to provide other information on the sale. They advise that all reports concerning the sale have been confidential and as yet are not available for publication.
We will keep you updated with any further information by posting on our notice boards, website and facebook page
Meantime if you are interested in approaching the council with questions of your own you can do so by contacting Valerie Andrews, Executive Director of Resources, Governance and Organisation, County Building, Ayr. KA7 1DT, 01292 612466,
Parent power puts child safety in the spotlight at Ayr's Forehill Primary.
Read more here
Volunteers needed for hospital meal times
One of our local residents is look for volunteers. Giill says;
“Hi everyone, I work for NHS Ayrshire & Arran and am currently looking for some Mealtime volunteers for Ayr and Biggart Hospitals. Volunteers need to be over 18 years old and ideally able to volunteer on a regular weekly basis. Training and ongoing support is available. If you are interested, or would like to find out more, please private message me or give me a call on my work telephone number 01292 513669. It might be you will need to leave a message but be assured I will get back to you. I would be very grateful if you could share this request with anyone else who you think could be interested.”
If this is something that interests you, please get in touch with Gill by phone.
BBC Children In Need
BBC Children in Need awards grants each year to organisations supporting disadvantaged children and young people in the UK.
Ayrshire Achieves
Do you know someone working in the NHS who has gone the extra mile to help you? It could be someone who works in a hospital ward or behind a desk; it could be a clinician or a volunteer.
Now you have the chance to recognise the contribution of health workers and volunteers through the Ayrshire Achieves 2016 awards scheme.
Ayrshire Achieves, funded by NHS Ayrshire & Arran's Charity Fund, is a staff recognition scheme which applauds excellence and innovation, demonstrates continuous improvement in the quality of care and celebrates exceptional achievements during the year.
Click on this link for more information.
This letter is to bring to your attention an increase in the number of sheep worrying reports received in the Ayrshire area. As lambing time approaches, Police Scotland has taken the decision to contact your community to highlight the seriousness of this crime and the penalties it incurs.
Please click on the image to download the letter as a PDF
Parking on Pavements
A local Resident brought to the attention of the FHMCC, South Ayrshire Council and Police Scotland that there are a number of cars in our area parking on pavements and footpaths.
In Scotland, parking on pavements is set to become an offence if the Scottish Government pass a bill currently being debated —
Parking on corners at a junction has also been discussed and we would like to remind drivers that according to the Highway Code, cars should not be parked within 10 meters of a junction.
Please consider other drivers and pedestrians when parking your car.
Did you know Forehill Library is more than “just” books
There's a lot going on in our wee library and we encourage all our residents, from 0 to 100+ to drop in and see what's on offer!
If you'de like to use the library as a meeting place for a group activity or as a social meeting place, let the team at the library know or drop us a message here on Facebook.
Kyle Stroke Group
Kyle Stroke Group meet in Kingcase Church, Waterloo Road, Prestwick, every Tuesday from 1.00pm until 3.00pm to give some positive and convivial engagement to Stroke suffers and a little respite for their carers and partners.
We need a few more volunteers to help us set out tables and chairs and square the meeting room when we're finished. Volunteers are also free and encouraged to mix and chat with the group members and join in our activities. Visit us on facebook,
If you would like to come along and help please contact John McGuire on 07921083325 or the group leader, Diane Barclay on 07952660267. Many thanks
Castlehill Woods
Do you use the walkways and/or park within Castlehill Woods?
Would you be interested in joining a team of volunteers to help clear over-growth and make the pathways neater and more accessible? If so, please get in touch, either here, on our Facebook page or by sending us a PM for further information.
Ayrshire Litter Volunteer Network
The Ayrshire Litter Volunteer Network was founded on 22nd August 2013. It is a Community based partnership of like-minded individuals who have great concern for the quality of their local environment and are aiming to promote greater community responsibility.
They are asking for Volunteers from all over South Ayrshire to join their “adopt a street” initiative with the aim of keeping local areas litter-free.
If you would like to get involved in this worthwhile local cause please contact the ALV on their website at or on facebook at
Forehill Library at 31-33 Mt Oliphant Crescent is a hive of activity! Your local library is an ideal place to spend some time and is open to all ages 0-100! Why not check it out and try something new?
There are board games and jigsaws, a knit and natter group, a colouring book station and as colouring books are increasingly found to be a good source of therapy and relaxation- adults are catered for here too!
Tea and coffee is 50p a cup.
You can make use of the computers within the library, or you can take your own laptop and share the FREE wi-fi.
Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council is looking for suggestions for activities that you want to see at your local library.
Message us on facebook at or email with your suggestions.
It's YOUR community so please get involved!
Fast Forward (Scotland)
This scheme, founded in 1987 is a voluntary organisation which promotes the health and wellbeing of young people through quality education and research, focusing primarily on the prevention of drug, alcohol and tobacco misuse. This is done by listening to, challenging, informing and involving young people. The aims of Fast Forward are:
- To engage with, and empower, young people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.
- To develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of practitioners working with young people.
- To work with and support parents, carers and communities on issues of young people’s health and substance misuse.
- To inform policy and to disseminate good practice.
Fast Forward aims to help organisations and individuals to build and sustain work that will contribute to long-term positive change for young people and the communities they are part of. Through training and consultancy work, the organisation provides individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills to develop health education with young people. Drug education programmes, training courses, workplace drug training, volunteering opportunities, research services and publications are available to individuals and organisations for young people in Scotland aged 12-25 years.
Fast Forward's areas of work include:
- developing and promoting peer education;
- delivering substance misuse education and prevention (drugs, alcohol and tobacco);
- providing volunteering opportunities for young people;
- engaging young people in all aspects of health and wellbeing;
- supporting capacity building in communities and agencies;
- providing training to adults, practitioners and young people; and
- developing and producing innovative resources and publications.
Fast Forward offers a wide range of training, which can be tailored to each organisation’s needs. Training can be delivered in Edinburgh or at locations throughout Scotland. Work can be commissioned on a wide range of issues involving young people. Fast Forward has worked in every local authority in Scotland, and in close collaboration at community level with a number of other partners. These have included: health boards (health promotion departments, drug action teams), local authorities (community education, schools, social work, housing, and community services), voluntary organisations and training providers.
Further information on the full range of support opportunities is available from the Fast Forward website.
There are no published deadlines.
Good Morning Service - Free of charge for those aged 60+ years living in South Ayrshire
The charity provides telephone befriending and alert calls to older people. Every morning, 365 days a year, Telephone Befrienders call out to members at a pre-arranged time to check that all is well and for a good blether. We take an active interest in people and over time hope to become a “good friend on the phone”, someone to share a laugh with or simply be there to listen and give emotional support in difficult times.
If our Good Morning Call goes unanswered and the person can't be located we will alert nominated contact persons or the emergency services to a potential health problem. Help will be sent, 365 days a year.
- Additional Good Night Calls in Winter
- Monthly social outings, our Get Togethers
- Pass on warnings of bogus callers from Police Scotland
- Connect people into their local communities
Congratulations to Kyle Academy
Congratulations to Kyle Academy who were nominated finalists in this year's prestigious National Scottish Education Awards 2015, held recently at the Thistle Hotel, Glasgow.
Kyle was nominated for their Learning Through Technology program.
New Community Notice Boards
Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council are chuffed to let you know that we have installed new community notice boards throughout the area - on the gates at Castlehill Woods, at Forehill Library and on the railings of Holmston Primary School. We want to use the notice boards, and our website and facebook page, to advertise local events and clubs and also to make sure our community is kept up to date with all the goings on at the fhmcc community council.
If you have a local group or event you would like to promote please let us know. Contact us on facebook, our website, by email at or by phone, 01292 284692 or better still, come along to one of our meetings on the last Tuesday of the month, at Kyle Academy at 7pm.
Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council Election Formal Results
South Ayrshire 1000 - Citezens’ Panel
South Ayrshire Council with its partners in the public and voluntary sectors, wants to survey attitudes and views on public services and policy issues.
Citizens’ Panels are a way for local people to provide feedback on a range of issues and influence decision makers. The South Ayrshire Citizens’ Panel is called “South Ayrshire 1000” as it is the intention to have 1,000 members on the Panel. We have managed to recruit around 850 people who live in South Ayrshire who volunteered to