Food waste bags
Food waste bags
Did you know that rolls of food waste caddy bags are for sale at Forehill Library?

Save the trip into town and pop into the library instead.

This letter is to bring to your attention an increase in the number of sheep worrying reports received in the Ayrshire area. As lambing time approaches, Police Scotland has taken the decision to contact your community to highlight the seriousness of this crime and the penalties it incurs.

Please click on the image to download the letter as a PDF

Forehill Library at 31-33 Mt Oliphant Crescent is a hive of activity! Your local library is an ideal place to spend some time and is open to all ages 0-100! Why not check it out and try something new?

There are board games and jigsaws, a knit and natter group, a colouring book station and as colouring books are increasingly found to be a good source of therapy and relaxation- adults are catered for here too!

Tea and coffee is 50p a cup.
You can make use of the computers within the library, or you can take your own laptop and share the FREE wi-fi.

Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council is looking for suggestions for activities that you want to see at your local library.

Message us on facebook at or email with your suggestions.
It's YOUR community so please get involved!

Home Security Advice from Police Scotland:

South Ayrshire 1000 - Citezens’ Panel
South Ayrshire Council with its partners in the public and voluntary sectors, wants to survey attitudes and views on public services and policy issues.
South Ayrshire 1000
Citizens’ Panels are a way for local people to provide feedback on a range of issues and influence decision makers. The South Ayrshire Citizens’ Panel is called “South Ayrshire 1000” as it is the intention to have 1,000 members on the Panel. We have managed to recruit around 850 people who live in South Ayrshire who volunteered to

The Scottish Government has recently set up a national website highlighting the role of community councils.
See the letter below.
Scottish Government letter to Community Councils. November 2014

GET INVOLVED — Your input is what will help our community come together.
We would love to hear from you. We want this website to be about you. Send us your pictures, share your memories, tell us your stories about our area and we will publish them on our webpages. Let us know if you, or someone you know in the area, is celebrating a special occasion.
Check our website and facebook pages for forthcoming competitions.

Come to our meetings. FHMCC meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Kyle Academy and we extend a warm welcome to local residents.
Please email us seven days before the meeting with you agenda item
Join us on Facebook at

Email us at

Phone Us on 07935 169 749

Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Click picture to enlarge

Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Click picture to enlarge

Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council Documents


Community Council Handbook


Please visit this link to view the complete Community Council Handbook.


Meeting Minutes


All meetings of Community Councils, or its Sub–Committees are required to be recorded in the form of written minutes.


Minutes should be agreed and approved at the next meeting of the Community Council, or its Sub–Committee.


A copy of the approved minutes must be sent within two weeks of them being approved to the:


Head of Policy, Community Planning and Public Affairs,
South Ayrshire Council,
County Buildings,
Wellington Square,
KA7 1DR,


Anyone wishing a copy of a particular Community Council Minute should contact:


Community Councils,
Legal and Democratic Services,
Resources, Governance and Organisation Directorate,
South Ayrshire Council,
County Buildings,
Wellington Square,
Tel: (01292) 612181,


Meeting Minutes, Tuesday November 25th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday November 25th, 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday November 25th, 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees: Roddy Cochran, Chris Campbell SAC, Tom Houston, Anne Stewart, Dougie Smith, Cllr Brian McGinley, Lynne Thomson, Brian Wotherspoon, Cllr Corri Wilson, Eileen Alexander, John McGuire, Samantha Stewart, Nicola Murray, Bill Smith.

Neighbours: Tom Bruce, Julie Bruce.

Guests: Lyndsay McRoberts from Kyle Academy

Apologies: Cllr Ian Douglas, Garry Thomson, Cllr Mary Kirkpatrick

Minutes: From our last meeting of September 30 2014 were accepted although our October's meeting was Inquorate.

Matters Arising: No items not covered by the proposed agenda.

Co Option of new members: Notice is made that three new individuals have been proposed to be co-opted onto Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council until 31March 2015. These members were proposed by Eileen Alexander and seconded by Lynn Thomson. These minutes will appear in local notice boards and our web pages. The new members are:

  • Nicola Murray, 28 Sycamore Crescent, Ayr, KA73NS.
  • Samantha Stewart, 52B Cunningham Crescent, Ayr, KA73JB
  • William White, 57 Dongola Road, Ayr, KA73BN

Police: Not required to attend this meeting.

Secretary's report Summary of Correspondence attached here, note no alarming planning applications.

Treasurer's Report. Roddy Cochran has had our accounts audited and accepted. We have a balance of £289, this to keep us going until the new financial year. With our ongoing commitments, this could be a problem. John McGuire will ask SAC for some help…

Children's House: We said that the turbulence we experienced has completely died down and we welcome that. However there have been three instances where the fire alarms have been tripped. This means that the Fire Service is fully deployed, disrupting the neighbourhood. There is now also a boarded up broken window? Note that certain people were taking photographs of the kids on there mobile phones during the fire alarm instances. As some of the children are under the protection of SAC, for whatever reason, it is imperative that none of these photos be published, in any medium.

Notice Boards.. These are now available and once we have our funds organised we can take delivery and get these installed. Dougie Smith has the action to negotiate a deal with Ailsa Hospital… good luck…

Litter around Kyle Academy. The situation is improving and ongoing the pupils will be made more aware and educated on the litter nuisance. They will be actively involved in litter picking and follow the example of PC Sykes. The weeds have been strimmed again to help litter picking and they will be sprayed with weed killer too. We all recognise that the food van across from the school is a major source of litter and the available bins are quickly filler and then over flow. Chris Campbell to look into th possibility of additional bins being positioned

Cycle Track behind Kyle Academy As above, the situation is improving but we need ongoing engagement with the School and this will happen with the deputy head or her representative coming to this Community Council meeting when necessary. Also, some adjacent woodland to be prepared as a teaching aid — educational use to study forestry management at an entry level

Forehill School Vandalism: South Ayrshire council is very aware of the groups of youths causing damage. SAC know the names of many of these kid and they can expect a ‘home visit’… The CCTV and lighting will be immediately improved and the anti vandal paint reapplied on the appropriate structure, including the roof, to obstruct ‘climbers’. 80 letters requesting support went thru doors in the area. Neighbours have actively reported incidents and the police and our Community Safety Officer.

Glencairn Road, Traffic Calming: SAC conducted a survey and traffic speed and volume was not deemed to be problematic. Hence no further action here although we will now request (thru Cllr Wilson) that a similar survey takes place in Caledonia Road near the roundabout.

Bicycle Shed in Caledonia Road. This is adjacent to the Children's house and some staff are smoking there. While nobody has the right to stop folk smoking out side there maybe a use for the shed at Forehill School. John McGuire has enquired with SAC, no answer and will expedite again…

Neighbourhood Watch: An enquiry was made as to the possibility of setting up this scheme around Lesley Crescent. Chris Campbell followed this up. No further action.

Dog Fouling: A new mother has highlighted the fact that the pavements around Caledonia road are heavily ‘contaminated’ with dog excrement. Chris Campbell will organise a letter to local residents. Maybe we should also request/consider pavement stencils too.

Parking around Gavin Hamilton Court: This has been highlighted as being really problematic. Maybe a survey of the homes there and see how many vehicles are in that area versus the number of parking spaces?

Disturbance in Gavin Hamilton Court. All quite. This item will be off the agenda unless more bother.

Finally: We agreed that we would again make Christmas gift of chocolates to Orchard House. However we have no money for this. John McGuire volunteered to see if he could get a deal of Morrison's and he'd find the cash…

Finally, finally. Our office bearers have agreed to continue until our AGM in March. At that time we will need to elect a need Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. We seem to be much more optimistic with new members and a membership drive in January. Be aware that your Secretary cannot attend either January or February meetings.



FHMCC next meeting: Tuesday January 27th 2015. – Kyle Academy – 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.




Meeting Minutes, Tuesday September 30th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday September 30th, 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees: Roddy Cochran, Chris Campbell SAC, Tom Houston, Anne Stewart, Dougie Smith, Cllr Mary Kirkpatrick, Brian Wotherspoon, Cllr Ian Douglas, Cllr Corri Wilson, Eileen Alexander, John McGuire.

Neighbours: Samantha Stewart, Nicola Murray, Mark Willis, Lilian Anton, George Crighton.

Guests: David Pugh ALVN, Fiona MacDonald SAC

Apologies Cllr Brian McGinley, Lynne Thomson, Garry Thomson.

Minutes: From our last meeting of June24th 2014, were proposed by Eileen Alexander and seconded by Eileen Alexander.

Matters Arising: Nothing not covered by the proposed agenda.

Police: PC Peter Douglas and PC Laura McGrath reported that local reported crime was again low with five common assaults and one drinking offence. It's felt that some of the assaults are domestic incidents being much more inclined to contact the police. Local residents are very much encouraged to phone 101 and report any incidents in the Children's house, indeed for any other incidents observed in the wider area. Ring 101 or 999 for serious incidents, for example where people's safety is at risk. Three areas were suggested for more regular police presence

  • Week end patrols around Glencairn Park.
  • Dongola Road and surrounds.. street drinking
  • Cycle Park behind, around Kyle Academy

Secretary's report Summary of Correspondence was not attached. However the planning applications were checked and nothing alarming was seen.

Treasurer's Report. Roddy Cochran has had our accounts audited and accepted. We are running a small overdraft of £66. The new funding has been delayed due to an administrative error. This will be resolved immediately with SAC.

Children's House: We appreciate Fiona Macdonald's attendance from SAC to discuss this matter with us. However, it must be said that the turbulence we experienced has completely died down and we welcome that. The letter drafted for local distribution from this Community Council about the issues and our local response was not distributed because of the quieter circumstances. But if there are issues in the future, please make direct representation to the House management or if events look like getting out of hand, contact the police immediately.

Webpage update. The number of visitors to our web site continues to increase, most encouraging.

Garden Contest went ahead and a winner and two runners up were selected and reported in the local papers.

Notice Boards.. These are now available and once we have our funds organised we can take delivery and get these installed.

Litter around Kyle Academy. The situation is improving but we need ongoing engagement with the School. Invite a member of staff to our next meeting to discuss? Action John McGuire. Also this group needs to decide on our litter picking efforts and where and when to focus our activities. Any thoughts or ideas please contact John McGuire prior to the next meeting. We will of course tie out our efforts with Mr David Pugh and the Ayrshire Litter Volunteer Network, (ALVN) who gave an informative ytalk at this meeting.

Cycle Track behind Kyle Academy: It was brought to our attention by a local resident that the cycle tracks behind Kyle Academy are looking a bit scruffy. Our SAC Link officer, Chris Campbell has made serious personal efforts to clear the paths and deployed contactors to help. This should be maintained by the school janitors and is not? Tie out with school litter problem above.. Also, some adjacent woodland to be prepared as a teaching aid - educational use to study forestry management at an entry level

Forehill School Vandalism: South Ayrshire council is very aware of the groups of youths causing damage. SAC know the names of many of these kid and they can expect a ‘home visit’.. The CCTV and lighting will be immediately improved and the anti vandal paint reapplied on the appropriate structure, including the roof, to obstruct ‘climbers’.

Glencairn Road, Traffic Calming: SAC conducted a survey and traffic speed and volume was not deemed to be problematic. Hence no further action here although we will now request (thru Cllr Wilson) that a similar survey takes place in Caledonia Road near the roundabout.

Bicycle Shed in Caledonia Road. This is adjacent to the Children's house and some staff are smoking there. While nobody has the right to stop folk smoking out side there maybe a use for the shed at Forehill School. John McGuire to enquire to SAC.

Fencing to aid segregation at Glencairn Park:. SAC have reviewed this and do not support this request, after investigation.. If this community want to pursue this, then this matter needs ‘tabled’ again.

Neighbourhood Watch: An enquiry was made as to the possibility of setting up this scheme around Glencairn. It was explained that this is an expensive nationwide initiative. An alternative would be to just buy 10 similar “Neighbourhood watch” signs attachable to lamp posts at a approximate cost of £140, the funding of this maybe from Community Safety Partnership. To be confirmed.

Disturbance in Gavin Hamilton Court. The police confirmed to us that they can only confirm that two males were taken to hospital following calls to the police and ambulance service on that Saturday evening. The police could not pass on any other information other than that.



FHMCC next meeting: Tuesday October 28th 2014. - Kyle Academy - 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.




Meeting Minutes, Tuesday June 24th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday June 24th 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees: Eileen Alexander, John McGuire, Lynne Thomson, Anne Stewart, Cllr Mary Kilpatrick, Cllr Ian Douglas

Neighbours: Samantha Stewart, Robert Campbell, Nicola Murray, Mark Willis, Lilian Anton

Apologies Cllr Corri Wilson, Cllr Brian McGinley, Chris Campbell SAC, Garry Thomson and Roddy Cochran.

Visitors: Sara Hilley of The Ayr Advertiser,.

Police: PC Duncan McPheat reported that local reported crime was again low. However the recent incidents at the Children's house will be taken back to his senior officers. AGAIN, local residents are very much encouraged to phone 101 and report any incidents in the Children's house, indeed for any other incidents observed in the wider area. Ring 999 for serious incidents, for example where people's safety is at risk.

Minutes: From our last meeting of May 27th 2014, proposed by Eileen Alexander and seconded by Lynne Thomson

Matters Arising: Nothing not covered by the proposed agenda.

Secretary's report See the summary of Correspondence, attached. Salient items will be covered in our agenda.

Treasurer's Report. Roddy Cochran has submitted our accounts for audit and we still have to hear our ‘result’, positive we're sure. Once we have this we will communicate by email and on our web pages and discuss further at our next meeting..]is on vacation, so at the next meeting he will update us on our Audit, spending and refresh funding. We'll also just check out the affordability of our High Viz vests.

Traffic planning in and around Forehill Primary School. New signs and a police and council presence have made an improvement around the school. Being monitored and will be continued into the new school term in August.

Issues around Glencairn Park. John McGuire has made contact David Burns of SAC. And his response is attached. Mr Burns could not attend the meeting but kindly emailed a response and is available for an ongoing conversation. Any input is welcome but SAC have indicated that a ‘Problem Solving Group’ will be initiated now to address all the issues and concerns. .


Castlehill Woods. John McGuire has contacted the council officer responsible will meet during the week commencing June 30th. Note his request that paths in the woods be cleared of weeds was promptly supported.

Children's House incident: More major disturbances at the Children's home. This community council request immediate help and support from South Ayrshire Council and the Police to help. We are not sure of the correct terminology, but a ‘Problem Solving Group’ needs to be activated with all the necessary skill to fix this problem. Things cannot go on like this with the peace of the community being so seriously disrupted. The problems with this house need to be fixed. The criteria and profile of the children homed there may need to be addressed. However, we recognise that there is a responsibility of any community is to mind those in need of care. However, this needs to be fairly balanced with the needs of the immediate neighbours. SAC have indicated that a ‘Problem Solving Group’ could be initiated to look at this and other issues in that neighbourhood.

Webpage update. The number of visitors to our web site continues to increase, most encouraging. Our members are encouraged to provide a wee picture and a brief profile for the pages. We agreed to go ahead with our Garden Competition following the success of last years and the posters are now in place and some leafleting done too. We have a small number of local businesses signed up to advertise on our pages.

Notice Boards.. These are in hand and Dougie Smith will update on these boards

Litter around Kyle Academy. The situation is improving but we need ongoing engagement. Have invited Mr Davis Pugh to next meeting (September 30th)to discuss some litter picking activities to raise the Community Council's profile.. Also agreed that we purchase some tabards to ‘brand’ the community council at events. Action John McGuire.

Cycle Track behind Kyle Academy: It was brought to our attention by a local resident that the cycle tracks behind Kyle Academy are looking a bit scruffy and over grown. There are also basketball poles with baskets lying and could be a hazard. John McGuire to report.



SADSA - Concerns were raised that some of our residents have been very negatively impacted by changes by South Ayrshire Council's resourcing of care providers. John McGuire has sent a letter to the Chief Executive, this is attached, and he will contact all other community councils with our issues and see where else is impacted and garner support.


YES NO referendum debate. Our treasurer had suggested that the Community Council support a debate in Kyle Academy that all residents could attend. This was not supported fully at the meeting as we had three members absent. We subsequently contacted all our members and a majority supported this initiative. Roddy Cochran, as the sponsor, will take this idea forward. We will arrange a date, possibly Thursday, August 21st and ask our four Ayr East Councillors to debate the arguments. (This date has been corrected from 22nd to 21st as requested)


FHMCC next meeting: September 30th 2014 - Kyle Academy - 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.


Significant Correspondence Summary - Tuesday, June 24thth 2014

Correspondence Summary.

         John McGuire email David Lowdon SAC re Castel hill woods. Await response

         FHMCC letter to Eileen Howat re |SADSA

         Contact with David Burns.. will provide a briefing.

         Email contact with David Pugh re litter picking. Will follow up

SAC - Community Council Communications 

         Notification of application for Erection of windfarm and associated works at Pinwherry

         Weekly Planning notifications. Nothing of contentious nature for FHMCC.

         Advice on risks to community and voluntary organisations regarding copyright issues.

         Join the conversation about how health and social care services

         Drumhead Service Edinburgh Castle August 10th

         South Ayrshire Council External Funding Newsletter – June 2014

         An update on work going on to develop a website for all community councils

         Request for CC’s to get involved in design of the logo for the proposed web site

Email contents from David Burns. Acting Manager (Strategic Service Planning) South Ayrshire Council. June 24 2014 and shared at the Community Council meeting that same evening.

Hi John, I have provided a response where I am aware of local concerns however, there may be areas where I require further information.  In such circumstances, I have outlined how we could address the issue.

1.       Car Parking at New build Houses Glencairn Park/yellow lines - Councillor Ian Douglas advises me that dog walkers are driving to Glencairn Park and parking in the hammerhead and on the monoblock roadway.  I have asked for a meeting on site with Roads Officers to consider the concerns and possible solutions.  It may be that resident parking signs, or some alternative to yellow lines may be more appropriate.

2.       Dogs/youths around play park - From my understanding, points 2 and 4 are to an extent interlinked and relate more to the control of dogs.  It would suggest to me an element of education required with dog owners over the concerns of parents of young children.  Where children have brought a dog to the park while they play, experience would indicate that fences and dog grids do not resolve such concerns as children simply lift dogs over and in to the play area.  As we cannot manage the play facility around the clock, segregation of the younger children's play equipment is unlikely to make a difference.  In these circumstances, it may be more appropriate for the Community Support Officers to visit over the summer months to reinforce the message of child safety around dogs.

3.       Car Parking/traffic at Cunningham Place - Again, this was raised with me by Councillor Douglas.  I have been in touch with the Childrens House staff, as officers had given a commitment not to use up all parking spaces within Cunningham Place.  There will be pressure points when there are shift changes, as staff will have to temporarily park on the street/in parking bays.  However, once shift change is complete, staff have been instructed to fill the bays within the garden ground of the childrens house.  They have also been advised to park around Glencairn Park if the parking areas are busy.  Although we can ask staff to do this, we cannot enforce it however, staff are aware of the need to build up positive relationships with the community.  Please keep me advised if this continues to be a concern.  Please also note that these spaces are not and cannot be designated for the houses facing on to the new build properties.

4.       Location of dog bins - Although there are dog bins within the park, all bins can be used for disposal of dog fouling.  Perhaps this is an issue around signage/knowledge more than anything?  If there are suggestions for better locations, a need for better signage or concerns over owners not cleaning up after their dogs, please let me know.  I am in close contact with the Council's Environmental Health Officers and if dog fouling is an issue, we could perhaps arrange for the area to be monitored at particular points in the day.  If you are agreeable to this, details of the most likely times as to when dog fouling occur would be much appreciated.

I have suggested to Chris Campbell that a short term problem solving group be convened to specifically address the above points including staff from Neighbourhood Services, Environmental Health, Roads and Housing, perhaps with either yourself or Lynne.  Chris is on leave but I am sure he will arrange this on his return over the holidays.

I hope that helps however, if there are concerns that are different to those mentioned above, please do not hesitate to contact me.

 Regards David


David Burns

Acting Manager (Strategic Service Planning)



To: Ms E Howat

Chief Executive

South Ayrshire Council
County Buildings
Wellington Square
Ayr KA7 1DR



June 17th 2014.


Dear Ms Howat, I'm the secretary of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council and at our last meeting we had one of the ladies attending ending up in a terrible emotional state.

It turns out that she cares for her mother who has advanced dementia and she relies heavily on carers as this care is provided in her home.

However we now understand that this care regime has been broken and a successful relationship with the contracted care provider (SADSA) is now being ended as a result of the recent procurement resourcing activities. These actions have been conducted by South Ayrshire Council.

Granted, we have not been deeply involved in this matter, but as a Community Council we feel a responsibility to folk in our community. Consequently we ask that you personally review the quotation process to select new care providers in this instance. You must be sure that the specification for the care to be contracted out was comprehensive, balanced, accurate and complete and be able to withstand independent audit. Collectively we have a responsibility to take care of the vulnerable in our communities balance with the knowledge that our taxes are well spent and all actions are above reproach.

We trust that we will be hearing from you with some reassurance.


Yours Sincerely





John McGuire



Meeting Minutes, Tuesday May 27th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday May 27th 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees: Lynne Thomson, John McGuire, Tom Houston, Cllr Corrie Wilson, Anne Stewart. Eileen Alexander, Gary Thomson, Cllr Ian Douglas, Cllr Brian McGinley

Neighbours: Samantha Stewart, Mark Willis, E Anton, Robert Campbell, Nicola Murray, Tom Bruce, George Crighton.

Apologies:, Roddy Cochran, Chris Campbell (SAC),

Police: PC Moncrieff and PC Dinnie provided the crime statistics for April 2014 in Ayr east: 3 Common Assaults, 1 person with an offensive weapon, 1 drink driving offence and 1 of street drinking. Stop and Search continues as a major tool to the police. The ward priorities remain focused on Drunk and disorderly behaviour, Drug dealing and use, Housebreaking and other theft and assault and violent crim. Note that there has been arrests for housebreaking. With the summer coming up the police in South Ayrshire, along with SAC, will have a special focus on safety and behaviour on the beach.

Minutes: From our last meeting April 29th 2014. Proposed by Lynne Thomson and seconded by Anne Stewart.

Matters Arising: Nothing not covered by the proposed agenda.

Secretary's report See the summary of Correspondence, attached. Salient items will be covered in our agenda.

Treasurer's Report. Roddy Cochran is on vacation, so at the next meeting he will update us on our Audit, spending and refresh funding. We'll also just check out the affordability of our High Viz vests.

Traffic planning in and around Forehill Primary School. New signs and a police and council presence have made an improvement around the school. Being monitored and will be continued with the new school term in August.

Issues around Glencairn Park. John McGuire to contact David Burns of SAC. This is a mixture of issues like traffic issues around Cunninghame P lace maybe the possibility of additional double yellow lines. Maybe fencing for better separation of activities in the park like play, dog walking and younger children, location of dog bins, fencing Additional Dog waste bin would be good fro Glencairn park.


Castlehill Woods. John McGuire has contacted the council officer responsible and will start that conversation and report back

Children's House incident: Chris Campbell, our Link officer will share the guidelines that govern the staffs responsibilities and responses to troublesome events.

Webpage update. The number of visitors to our web site continues to increase, most encouraging. Our members are encouraged to provide a wee picture and a brief profile for the pages. We agreed to go ahead with our Garden Competition following the success of last years. Also we will seek local company's to advertise on our pages for (maybe) a modest sum of £20 per annum. Please share this where appropriate

Notice Boards.. John McGuire to email Dougie Smith and see if we can get an update on these boards

Litter around Kyle Academy. The situation is improving but we need ongoing engagement. Have invited Mr Davis Pugh to next meeting to discuss some litter picking activities to raise the Community Council's profile.. Also agreed that we purchase some tabards to ‘brand’ the community council at events. Action John McGuire

Eileen Howat visit: No contact from her office, so this will likely happen after the school holidays

SADSA - Concerns were raised that some of our residents have been very negatively impacted by changes by South Ayrshire Council's resourcing of care providers. John McGuire is actioned to understand more and contact South Ayrshire Council if these concerns are well founded?

YES NO referendum debate. Our treasurer had suggested that the Community Council support a debate in Kyle Academy that all residents could attend. This was not supported fully at the meeting as we had three members absent. We subsequently contacted all our members and a majority supported this initiative. Roddy Cochran, as the sponsor, will take this idea forward.


FHMCC next meeting: June 24th 2014 - Kyle Academy - 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.



Meeting Minutes, Tuesday April 29th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday 25 March 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday 29th April 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees:, Roddy Cochran, Lynne Thomson, Dougie Smith, John McGuire, Brian Wotherspoon, Tom Houston, Cllr Corrie Wilson, Chris Campbell (SAC), Anne Stewart.

Neighbours: Samantha Stewart, Mark Willis, E Anton, Robert Campbell, Nicola Murray

Apologies:, Eileen Alexander, Gary Thomson, Cllr Ian Douglas

Minutes: From our last meeting February 25th 2014. Proposed by Dougie Smith and seconded by Anne Stewart.

Matters Arising: Nothing not covered by the proposed agenda.

Secretary's report See the summary of Correspondence, attached. Salient items will be covered in our agenda.

Treasurers Report. We have £864.27p in our account. However our donation cheques to Orchard House, Holmston and Forehill schools have not been cashed. We also approved our Secretary to buy printer cartridges. We agreed that we would make a £40 donation to Marion Curragh for the Kilt Walk.

Police Update: No police attended but we have their commitment that they will attend except where operational duties prevent. Again please note that the crime statistics available from Police Scotland web pages. We did note that Housebreaking was not included. This will be corrected and included. All residents are encouraged to report issues or negative behaviour either through SAC ‘Laggan’ system or to the police on 101.

Children's Unit: We had quite a lot of discussion on the incident at the children's house. We now understand that new guidelines have been developed to assist the staff in these circumstances. It was also stressed to all attendees that their first recourse is to phone the police on 101. The police can physically restrain any individual if necessary where the staff may be inhibited. The new staff guidelines will be shared and discussed at the next meeting.

Traffic issues at Forehill School. Working with the interested parties a ‘Problem Solving Group’ will be established with the involvement of the Roads Dept and a survey will be conducted covering all aspects and a solution could include signage and maybe cameras.

Litter at Kyle Academy. As we last recorded good progress has been made and working with SAC consultants we can involve local volunteers and SAC contractors have brush cut back some growth and Kyle Academy pupils have been committed to care and litter pick. Residents with litter pickers and bin liners have picked (maybe) a decade's worth of litter.

Going forward SAC will investigate the deployment of a tree surgeon to cut back heavier growth. A major effort will be made to apply weed killer to new growth of brambles a other weeks. The residents association must take some praise in being the drivers of this initiative. One wee problem is that the true owners of this land is unclear, ‘Lost in the mists of time’.. We fear it would be very expensive to find out

Castlehill Woods. As previous minutes, moves there appears to be two aspects, The first is the general maintenance of the park and how its appearance can be enhanced. To that end John McGuire will contact and discuss this with Thea Pettigrew and maybe also a ‘Friends of Castlehill Woods’. Folk are still concerned about potentially dangerous trees and their threat to people or homes and an initial map of the affected streets produced. John McGuire and Chris Campbell to liaise with SAC (Fiona Ross), although John has other business issues demanding his attention in the coming months.

Notice Boards. We expect to get these from the Ailsa Hospital workshop of £60 and we agreed to progress.

Election. The election process for the Community Councils is closed and SAC have the documents for Anne Stewart and Brian Wotherspoon. John McGuire to work the process and work to update the membership list held by the council, he has restated of our three resignations from this Community Council: Mr William Blane, Mr Bob Shields and Mr David Callan.

Web Pages: With Anne Stewart's positive help we have our web pages live. They really look good, please have a wee look




  • A point was raised that an additional Dog waste bin would be good fro Glencairn park. Those interested can apply through SAC ‘Laggan System’… and advise
  • Also a concern and wish that fencing be erected around the children's play park. Also, Those interested can apply through SAC ‘Laggan System’… and advise
  • Local litter pick was mooted as an idea to raise the Community Council's profile. We should invite David Pugh to our next meeting to discuss.
  • Also that we purchase some tabards to ‘brand’ the community council at events.
  • To have our FHMCC web page on the SAC Community Council web pages



FHMCC next meeting: May 27th 2014 – Kyle Academy – 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.




Meeting Minutes, Tuesday March 25th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday 25 March 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday 25 March 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees: Eileen Alexander, Dougie Smith, John McGuire, Brian Wotherspoon Tom Houston, Cllr Corrie Wilson, Cllr Ian Douglas Chris Campbell (SAC)

Guests: Wylie Smith

Neighbours: Samantha Stewart, Mark Willis, E Anton,

Apologies:, Cllr Mary Kilpatrick, Anne Stewart, Gary Thomson, Roddy Cochran, Lynne Thomson

Minutes: From our last meeting February 25th 2014. Proposed by Eileen Alexander and seconded by Dougie Smith.

Matters Arising:Nothing not covered by the proposed agenda.

Secretary's report See the summary of Correspondence, attached. Salient items will be covered in our agenda.

Treasurers Report. We have £1078.26 in our account and from that we need to donate £195.40 ASAP. We agreed a £50 donation to Kyle Stroke Group, £40 each to Holmston and Forehill Schools for Easter celebrations and £50 to the Trussell Trust Food Bank.

Police Update: No police attended. But crime statistics available from Police Scotland web pages. However we are aware of an increasing number of house break - ins. Please be vigilant and keep doors and windows secure. Also be aware that the anti social behaviour around Glencairn Park has been moderated. However all residents are encouraged to report issues or negative behaviour either through SAC ‘Laggan’ system or to the police on 101.

Children's Unit:All quite. Although at the time of writing we are aware of the incident that was reported in the Ayrshire Post. John to ask an SAC officer for an update.

Traffic issues at Forehill School. All initiatives to enhance this situation and bring improvements to safety are being co-ordinated by the appropriate authorities. However we have been unable to have an SAC officer to attend. Chris Campbell will work an appropriate attendee who can talk about roads. A member of this Community Council will attend a parent council meeting on April 28th at 7.00pm.. Action John McGuire

Litter at Kyle Academy. The Resident's Association in the area of the school are well pleased with the improvement in the area with the brush being cut well back and the imbedded litter exposed. Our Link Officer is exploring other options and will liaise on continuing progress. The Link Officer will connect with the Resident's Association and work to explore these options and the Resident's Association opportunities for funding. Chris Campbell will also explore the potential for Kyle Academy to take responsibility for the area in the longer term and also explore the possibility that the Community Payback Teams be involved in the clean up.

Castlehill Woods. As this conversation moves there appears to be two aspects, The first is the general maintenance of the park and how its appearance can be enhanced. To that end John McGuire will contact and discuss this with Thea Pettigrew and maybe also a ‘Friends of Castlehill Woods. Also our guest, Mr. Wylie Smith, lives in Roman Road and along with other residents is very concerned about potentially dangerous trees and their threat to people or homes. Mr Smith and John McGuire will work to identify the streets and house numbers that could be effected by trees coming down. They will then work with Chris Campbell to develop a communiqué and questions for these householders that a plan can be developed. Note that ‘Friends of Castlehill Woods, if created, could gain access to funds that SAC cannot. John McGuire and Chris Campbell to liaise with SAC (Fiona Ross)

Notice Boards. The board at Holmston Primary has been nailed closed.. Dougie Smith has a price from the Ailsa workshop of £60 and we agreed to progress.

Election. The election process for the Community Councils is closed and SAC have the documents for Anne Stewart and Brian Wotherspoon. John McGuire to work the process and work to update the membership list held by the council.

Web Pages: With Anne Stewart's positive help we are moving towards having our pages going live.



FHMCC next meeting: April 29th 2014 - Kyle Academy - 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.




Meeting Minutes, Tuesday Feb 25th 2014

Meeting Minutes, Tuesday 25 February 2014, Kyle Academy, 7pm


Attendees: Eileen Alexander, Roddy Cochran, Lynne Thomson, Dougie Smith, John McGuire, Brian Wotherspoon, Cllr Brian McGinley, Cllr Corrie Wilson, Cllr Ian Douglas Chris Campbell (SAC)

Guests: Linda Given (SAC), Fiona MacDonald (SAC) PC Caroline Hewitt, PC Geraldine Connell.

Neighbours: Robert Campbell, Samantha Stewart, Mark Willis, E Anton,

Apologies: Tom Houston, Cllr Mary Kilpatrick, Anne Stewart, Gary Thomson

Minutes: From our last meeting January28th 2014. Proposed by Lynne Thomson and seconded by Eileen Alexander.

Matters Arising: Nothing not covered by the proposed agenda.

Secretary's report See the summary of Correspondence, attached. Salient items will be covered in our agenda.

Treasurers Report. We have £1078.26 in our account and from that we need to donate £195.40 ASAP. We agreed a £50 donation to Kyle Stroke Group, £40 each to Holmston and Forehill Schools for Easter celebrations and £50 to the Trussell Trust Food Bank.

Police Update: The Police statistics are available on their web pages, search for Beat 71. Over the past three moths we have 21 nuisance level incidents usually cause by youths. However we do also have a rash of 72 incidents over the same period classified as Housebreaking, Insecure premises, Intruder and Suspect Persons. Police activity has increased, including plain clothes and this continues through the night. All residents are especially encouraged to be vigilant and make sure their property is properly secure.

Children's Unit: We appreciate the attendance two officers from South Ayrshire Council who gave us an update on the Unit. This is now fully staffed and 3 young people are already placed with another joining soon. The unit has a capacity for six young people and there will be staff on duty all the time. Now that we have occupancy the officers do not envisage a repeat of the break in where valuable stolen when the unit was unoccupied.

Traffic issues at Forehill School. We have a letter from one of the ‘lollipop ladies’ at the school who makes clear that her, and her colleagues, are being threatened and put at risk. The police and SAC are aware of this. The police will always try to be at the school when parents are picking up their children. But bad and dangerous behaviour continues by some parents. All initiatives to enhance this situation and bring improvements to safety are being co-ordinated by the appropriate authorities. A member of this Community Council will attend a parent council meeting. Action John McGuire

Litter at Kyle Academy. The Resident's Association in the area of the school have four volunteers that are keen to help in clearing the brush and litter. However our Link Officer is exploring other options and will liaise with prospective contractors for a way forward. The Link Officer will connect with the Resident's Association and work to explore these options and the Resident's Association opportunities for funding

Castlehill Woods. There is a suggestion that setting up an association of ‘Friends of Castlehill Woods’ might be an option and also set up funding opportunities not available to SAC. Essentially the locals want the area improved and a level of consultation of work planned and executed that is within an agreed plan.

Notice Boards. The board at Holmston School has been repaired. Many thanks to who ever did the repair. Dougie Smith will check our with our prospective supplier when we can see the new one.

Election. The election process for the Community Councils is upon us. John McGuire to work the process for the members

Web Pages: With Anne Stewart's positive help we are moving towards having our pages going live.



FHMCC next meeting: March 25th 2014 - Kyle Academy - 7pm


All residents of Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill are warmly welcomed.


Significant Correspondence Summary - Tuesday, February 25th 2014


Correspondence Summary

  • Planning.. No items worth highlighting specifically.

SAC Community Council Communications

  • Email exchanges re agenda items Castlehill Woods, Traffic at Forehill School and Children's Unit.
  • South Ayrshire Council External Funding Newsletter - February 2014
  • Fifth Reviews of Local Government Electoral Arrangements


  • Police advice on Public Counter Service provision.. as reported in the media.
  • Scottish Government's Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES).  CARES provides grant and loan funding to help community groups become involved in renewables,. New web Pages for information.
  • Community Empowerment Conference: Voice, Participation, Action Date: Tuesday 6th May 2014,Venue: Edinburgh
  • Learning Disabilities, Scotland. Edinburgh Thursday 24th April 2014
  • Upcoming hearing aid clinics across Ayrshire and Arran.  Currently have 15 running, with more due to be launched in Spring 2014.  All services are free of charge
  • Ayr Division Police update for January and February 2014.
  • Kyle Stroke Group requesting any ££ donation deemed appropriate.
  • Letter from our Lollipop lady at Forehill School re lack of concern from drivers and dangerous driving.




Meeting Agendas


Meeting Agenda, Tuesday April 29th 2014



Meeting Agenda, Tuesday 29th April 2014 at 7.00pm, Kyle Academy



Regular Meeting Agenda


  • Minutes of last meeting
  • Matters Arising:
  • Secretary's report:
  • o    Summary of correspondence.

  • Treasurers Report
  • Police Update:
  • Traffic planning in and around Forehill Primary School.
  • o    Note: Parent council meeting April 28th

  • Castlehill Woods
  • Round table discussion
  • o    Eileen Howat visit.—when?

    o    Anti Social behaviour

    o    Webpage update. Ann

    o    Notice Boards.. discuss, Dougie

    o    Membership.

    o    SAC Funding 2014/2015

    o    Litter and Community Pay back.

  • Futures discussion and membership going forward.

Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday April 29th 2014


Meeting Agenda, Tuesday Feb 25th 2014



Meeting Agenda, Tuesday 25th February 2014 at 7.00pm, Kyle Academy



Regular Meeting Agenda


  • Minutes of last meeting
  • Matters Arising:
  • Secretary's report:
  • Summary of correspondence.
  • Treasurers Report
  • Police Update: and discussion… Children's Unit update. Fiona MacDonald and Linda Given
  • Traffic planning in and around Forehill Primary School. Waiting on Kevin Braidwood's reply.(SAC)
  • Castlehill Woods, dangerous trees - Thea Petticrew, March Meeting
  • Round table discussion

    o    Eileen Howat visit.-when?

    o    Anti Social behaviour

    o    Webpage update. Ann

    o    Notice Boards.. discuss, Dougie

    o    Membership numbers and co-option

    o    SAC Funding cuts and Impact?

    o    Litter and Community Pay back.

  • Futures discussion and membership going forward.

Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday March 25th 2014