Food waste bags
Food waste bags
Did you know that rolls of food waste caddy bags are for sale at Forehill Library?

Save the trip into town and pop into the library instead.

This letter is to bring to your attention an increase in the number of sheep worrying reports received in the Ayrshire area. As lambing time approaches, Police Scotland has taken the decision to contact your community to highlight the seriousness of this crime and the penalties it incurs.

Please click on the image to download the letter as a PDF

Forehill Library at 31-33 Mt Oliphant Crescent is a hive of activity! Your local library is an ideal place to spend some time and is open to all ages 0-100! Why not check it out and try something new?

There are board games and jigsaws, a knit and natter group, a colouring book station and as colouring books are increasingly found to be a good source of therapy and relaxation- adults are catered for here too!

Tea and coffee is 50p a cup.
You can make use of the computers within the library, or you can take your own laptop and share the FREE wi-fi.

Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council is looking for suggestions for activities that you want to see at your local library.

Message us on facebook at or email with your suggestions.
It's YOUR community so please get involved!

Home Security Advice from Police Scotland:

South Ayrshire 1000 - Citezens’ Panel
South Ayrshire Council with its partners in the public and voluntary sectors, wants to survey attitudes and views on public services and policy issues.
South Ayrshire 1000
Citizens’ Panels are a way for local people to provide feedback on a range of issues and influence decision makers. The South Ayrshire Citizens’ Panel is called “South Ayrshire 1000” as it is the intention to have 1,000 members on the Panel. We have managed to recruit around 850 people who live in South Ayrshire who volunteered to

The Scottish Government has recently set up a national website highlighting the role of community councils.
See the letter below.
Scottish Government letter to Community Councils. November 2014

GET INVOLVED — Your input is what will help our community come together.
We would love to hear from you. We want this website to be about you. Send us your pictures, share your memories, tell us your stories about our area and we will publish them on our webpages. Let us know if you, or someone you know in the area, is celebrating a special occasion.
Check our website and facebook pages for forthcoming competitions.

Come to our meetings. FHMCC meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Kyle Academy and we extend a warm welcome to local residents.
Please email us seven days before the meeting with you agenda item
Join us on Facebook at

Email us at

Phone Us on 07935 169 749

Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Click picture to enlarge

Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Click picture to enlarge

Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council Documents


Meeting Minutes


AGM and Meeting Minutes, May 28th 2024 Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Kyle Academy, 28TH May, 2024,  7pm


FHMCC :       John McGuire, Anne Miller, Douglas Smith,  Samantha Laidlaw, Elsie McDougal,                 Alison Russell


SAC :  Cllr Brian McGinley.  

Police :  Apologies.



Guests:        Douglas Paton, Richard North, Ryan O’Lone  


Apologies:    Laura McIloney, Steven Mackie, Mary Elliot, W. White, L. Stewart, L. Stewart, Cllr Cullen, Cllr Kilpatrick, Link Officer Sandra McMath



Arising:  None



Of Interest :   None


March : Proposed by E. McDougal. Seconded by D. Smith



Secretary's : Tracy Whiteford’s post has of Senior Communities Officer has been filled by     

Report           Jodie McFarlane.  Documents from our April meeting have been passed to Jodie.

 Jodie’s remit includes responsibility for overseeing Community Councils.

The Ayrshire Roads Alliance are looking into the Dongola Road traffic speed and    our request to initiate traffic calming.


Treasurer’s Our current credit sits at £4807.14  This amount includes both raised funds and SAC                             funding.  The recent cheque to Forehill B.C. has not been cashed.  Samantha will follow up.  FHMCC accounts are with SAC for review.  There is a £30 audit fee.


SAC Councillor’s Report – in the Minutes.


Place Planning Update.  The Chair updated the room on the latest actions.  Surveys have been distributed to agreed points – the FHMCC point is Forehill Library.  There will also be leaflet deliveries to a number of dwellings in Ayr East – these include streets within FHM and Belmont/Kincaidston.  School Pupils will assist with a door leaflet drop at end of term.

It was agreed to publish the survey information on the FHMCC social media pages to raise awareness and encourage local Residents to participate and have their say – action Samantha/Anne








(FHMCC May Minutes Cont)



· Guest Ryan O’Lone spoke about the formation of the Forehill Amateur Football Team managed by Cami Barr.  This is a team for over 18s and anyone, including players from other areas of the Town, are welcome to join.  There is an open training day at King George 5th Playing fields on Saturday 1st June at 10am.  Ryan will provide FHMCC with a poster for our social media pages.  It was also discussed if the team would come along to FHMCC’s fun day on 11th August at Glencairn Park for a ‘Beat the Goalie’ competition.

· Lithium Batteries – FHMMC received an email regarding the safety features of lithium batteries and the danger of fire resulting from them.  We will invite a representative from Ayr Fire Service to our June meeting.

· Parking issues around Kyle Academy.  Guests Douglas Paton and Richard North attended our meeting to discuss communications with ARA regarding traffic problems in the area. ARA have advised that they will carry out an on site annual parking review.  It was agreed that FHMCC will contact ARA in support of the local Resident’s concerns and their requests for yellow road markings to be put in place.  We also will ask for the dates of the annual parking review and a member of FHMCC will attend.

· It was noted that new guidelines are in place for security at Kyle Academy specifically that the Janitor is required to lock the access doors in to the building after our attendees have arrived therefore can we please all ensure we are in the building by 7pm for all future meetings.

· SPT Bus Service.  A letter has been drafted and will be sent from the CC’s email account.



• Tuesday  25th June 2024 at Kyle Academy, 7pm


AGM and Meeting Minutes, April 30th 2024 Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Kyle Academy, 30TH April,  7pm


FHMCC :       John McGuire, Anne Miller, Douglas Smith, Bill White, Samantha Laidlaw,              Elsie McDougal, Lynn Stewart, Lee Stewart


SAC :  Apologies from SAC Councillors and the SAC Link Officer

Police :  Apologies.  Police Scotland submitted the monthly crime report for the area

Scotland  which was read out by the Chair.




Apologies:    Laura McIloney, Steven Mackie, Alyson Russell, Mary Elliot



Arising:  None



Of Interest :   None


March : Proposed by S. Laidlaw, Seconded by  E. McDougall



Secretary's   In Agenda



Treasurer’s Our current credit in total sits at £4704.20. The recent cheque to Forehill B.C. has not been cashed.  Samantha will follow up.


SAC Councillors Report – N/A


Place Planning Update.  The Chair is attending joint Ayr East Community Council/SAC meetings and updated the Committee on agreements arrived at to date which include plans to bring the place plan survey to the Residents of Ayr East and to proceed from there to the next steps.  The Chair will update at the May meeting.


FHMCC Chair John McGuire, 2023/2024 Annual Report


The Chair remembered the sad 2023 passing of former Community Councillor Tom Houston.  He spoke of the personal attributes which made Tom a valuable and much missed member and also the many positive ways Tom added to the Community and the Community Council as a whole.


John expressed his thanks to the Treasurer, Vice Chair/Planning Officer and Secretary for their work and support over the year and to our Fundraising Team for all of their valuable work in securing private funding for FHMCC.





AGM – Chaired by Samantha Laidlaw

· Current Office Bearers stood down

· Election of 2024/2025 Office Bearers

· Confirmation of signed Constitution

· Elected Chair welcomed existing and new members

· Elected Chair declared the 2025 AGM meeting date as 29/04/2025

· The Secretary will submit the AGM paperwork to SAC


· FHMCC Projects for 2024/2025 – on hold pending the Place Plan progress/outcome

· FHMCC  proposed fund raising initiatives.  Samantha Laidlaw confirmed that the next fundraiser will be October 2025 at Forehill Bowling Club.  Further details to be confirmed

· It was agreed to donate £20 each to Holmston and Forehill Primary Schools and Southcraig school in support of their summer fetes

· FHMCC Summer fun day – Anne will confirm details at the May meeting



• Tuesday 28th May 2024 at Kyle Academy, 7pm


Meeting Minutes, March 27th 2024 Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Kyle Academy, 27TH March,  7pm


FHMCC :       John McGuire, Anne Miller, Douglas Smith, Bill White, Samantha Laidlaw, Mary                                                   Elliot, Elsie McDougal, Lynn Stewart, Lee Stewart


SAC :  SAC Cllrs Chris Cullen, Brian McGinley, SAC Officers, Chris Cox, Audrey Gatt

Police :   Apologies.  





Apologies:    SAC Link Officer Sandra McMath, Laura McIloney, Steven Mackie, Alyson Russell



Arising:  None



Of Interest :   None


Sept :   Proposed by D. Smith, Seconded by  W. White



Secretary's   2024 Election update.  FHMCC welcome new Community Councillors Lynn and Lee

Report  Stewart.  FHMCC has two vacancies remaining with a current quorum of six.


Treasurer’s The Treasurer discussed the debits/credits and what amounts are expected in and

Report out of the FHMCC account.  Our current funds sit at £2721.20.  This is a combination of both the SAC and privately raised funding.


SAC Councillors Report -   Cllr Cullen, Cllr McGinley

· All relevant discussions are in the Agenda.

2024 Initiatives – most on hold pending the outcome of the Place Planning funding.

· Traffic.  Monitoring around schools is ongoing.  Traffic calming around Glencairn Park was mentioned again.  It was noted that Holmston Primary school pupils use Dongola Road when walking from school to visit the local Southcraig school in Belmont Avenue and concerns have been raised by local residents about the speed limit on Dongola road, in particular where traffic comes in from Castlehill Road.  FHMCC will make representation to Ayrshire Roads Alliance to request consideration of the reduction of the speed limit on the road from 30mph to 20mph.  FHMCC Secretary will contact ARA.






(FHMCC March Mins Cont)



· The Place Plan.  SAC Officers Chris Cox and Audrey Gatt provided a further overview of the place plan project.  Under discussion were the projects FHMCC would like carried out.  The FHMCC Chair agreed to join a meeting at the County Buildings at 10am on 8th April to take our ideas forward.  The FHMCC Secretary will provide a list of projects which the committee have agreed we would like to see implemented in our area.  There are two categories to be considered; Capital Management which incurs no ongoing costs and Revenue Management which has ongoing costs.  These may impact the project plans which FHMCC would like actioned. It was noted that a Community led action plan has no formal time limit.  It was suggested that FHMCC will obtain a copy of an action plan already completed by a local Community Council.  FHMCC Chair will take this forward

· Holmston House.  Cllr. Cullen will make further inquiries as to who owns the building and feedback at the April meeting.  

· The Lorne Arcade.  Cllr McGinley confirmed that the owners of the arcade are considering ‘gating’ the arcade off to pedestrians when the Arcade shops are closed for the day.  This is solely for the owners to decide / implement.

· Station Hotel Update.  Further damage has been found and more safety work will be carried out -  it was noted that no asbestos has been found in the building  This has delayed the re-opening of the station and there is no date as yet for services to resume.  All safety guidelines are being followed.  SAC is monitoring the situation and are also on contact with Historic Scotland regarding the building.  Attempts have been made to contact the owner however there has been no response to date.

· Forehill Defib.  Comm Cllr Dougie Smith advised this defib is now back in commission.

· Forehill Shops Fly Tipping.  Cllr Cullen advised that this area will be cleared and attempts will be made by SAC to identify who is Fly Tipping in the area.

· Heart Start Training.  Comm Cllr Samantha Laidlaw advised that Forehill library are holding Heart Start training on 29th April and there are currently four space left.

· FHM Bus Service.  Comm Cllr Mary Elliot is in contact with Stagecoach regarding our proposals for improvements to the bus service in our area.  She will update at the April meeting.

· The old West Sound property on Holmston Road appears to have been bought and work has begun on the building.


· Concerns were raised regarding 3G sport pitches.  Some pitches contain crumb rubber which is recycled from vehicle tyres and other material and there are fears that this material may be carcinogenic.  A report published by Stirling University suggests that these pitches should be remade using organic material or natural grass.  The question was asked, are there any pitches of this type in South Ayrshire. SAC officer Chris Cox will look into this and feedback her findings.



• Tuesday 30th April  2024 at Kyle Academy, 7pm


Meeting Minutes, February 27th 2024 Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Kyle Academy, 27TH February,  7pm


FHMCC :       John McGuire, Anne Miller, Douglas Smith, Bill White, Samantha Laidlaw, Mary Elliot, Alison Russell, Elsie McDougal


SAC :  SAC Cllrs Chris Cullen, Brian McGinley

Police :   Apologies.  



Guests:          Lee Stewart, Cara Bennington 


Apologies:    SAC Link Officer Sandra McMath, Laura McIloney, Steven Mackie



Arising:  None



Of Interest :   None


Sept :   Proposed by W. White, Seconded by  S. Laidlaw



Secretary's   In agenda



Treasurer’s Read out and discussed



SAC Councillors Report -   Cllr Cullen, Cllr McGinley

· SAC budget meeting will be held on February 29th 2024.  The Labour group are prepared to support the proposals.

· Awaiting Place Plan decisions.


2023 Initiatives – most on hold pending the outcome of the Place Planning funding.   

· Traffic.  It was noted for future discussions that this initiative cannot be included in the Place Plan.  Lindsay McRoberts will monitor the situation around local schools.  Cllrs Cullen and McGinley will feedback at the March meeting.


· The Place Plan.  FHMCC agreed that further information is required before the Community Council can move forward.  We require an overarching view of the survey including timescales and what rules are in place.  For example, SAC Councillors advised that should a project require post maintenance care, SAC are not prepared to take this responsibility.  

(FHMCC Feb 24 minutes Cont)

Cllr McGinley suggested we invite SAC Officer Jamie Tate to the March meeting to discuss this fully.  Some proposals being considered by FHMCC include, an upgrade to the ruins on the banks of the River Ayr, install a ‘floating’ pathway through Glencairn park, look at the possibility of an FHM Community Building, a new children’s playpark in Castlehill Woods, the addition of sensory items to walkways in both parks.

· Holmston House.  Questions were raised as to who the owner of the property is.  Cllrs Cullen and McGinley will look into this and advise at the March meeting.

· Forehill Defib.  Comm Cllr Dougie Smith advised this defib is out of commission and will feedback at the March meeting.

· Forehill Shops.  The rear of the shops is heavily littered and have some fly tipping. SAC will investigate the fly tipping to try to determine who is responsible.  They will also arrange a clear up.  Cllr Cullen will feedback at the March meeting.

· Tree felling in Castlehill Road.  Comm Cllr W White advised that the owners of the ground are responsible for replacing the felled trees with saplings and that it is SAC’s responsibility to enforce this.

· River Ayr Walk ruins.  SAC will fence parts off for safety issues.

· Fund raising update.  The recent fundraiser raised a Net total of £907.40.  The next fund raiser is planned for October 2024.


· Lorne Arcade, Ayr Town Center.  The owners of the Arcade are apparently considering closing off the Arcade when the shops have closed due to vandalism.  Cllr McGinley will update on this at the March meeting.

· Comm Cllr Dougie Smith noted that the survey regarding the regeneration of Ayr Town Center closes at the end of March.

· Due to the delay of the funding application outcome it was mentioned that the May fun day planned for 27th May should be moved to a later date – date to be decided.

· A copy of the FHMCC Constitution was agreed and signed off – to be submitted to SAC.

· Former Station Hotel.  The safety work should be completed mid to end March.  Under discussion was ‘what happens next’.  As the area is privately owned, SAC are unable to carry out any work other than safety work.  Cllr McGinley will update regarding who the owner is and what steps are planned to resolve the state of the building/ground, at the March meeting.

· Comm. Cllr Mary Elliot commented on the very poor bus service in the area and proposed approaching Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) with a view to re-routing one of the Kincaidston Services to take in parts of Forehill/Holmston.  CC Elliot will draft a letter to SPT and submit it to the FHMCC Email account.

· FHMCC Chair will arrange for litter picking equipment / tabard to be provided to a local Resident who carries out regular litter picking in the area.



• Tuesday  26th March 2024 at Kyle Academy, 7pm


Meeting Minutes, January 30th 2024 Meeting

Minutes of Meeting

Kyle Academy, 30TH January  7pm


FHMCC :       Anne Miller, Douglas Smith, Bill White, Samantha Laidlaw, Mary Elliot, Alison Russell, Elsie McDougal


SAC :  SAC Cllr Chris Cullen, SAC Community Asset Transfer Office Colin Love

Police :   Apologies.  



Guests:          Lee Stewart, Lynn Stewart, Justin Malone, David Mattear, Cara Bennington 


Apologies:    SAC Link Officer Sandra McMath, Com. Cllrs John McGuire, Laura McIloney,                      Steven Mackie



Arising:  None



Of Interest :   None


Sept :   Proposed by Mary Elliot, Seconded by Alison Russell



Secretary's   In agenda



SAC Councillors Report


Councillor Cullen updated on the demolition works of the former Station Hotel.  On asked for further plans for the remaining section of the building it was noted that it is still privately owned.  Planning for the 2024 Ayr Show is underway with two days allocated to the show and a third day on events in the town.  It was commented that the Town Centre Consultation close at midnight on 31/1/24 – the link has previously been distributed to all FHM Comm Cllrs and was posted on our Social Media Sites. The 2024 Community Council Elections are approaching. FHMCC have advertised these in accordance with SAC Guidelines.  It was noted that any damage to Council property due to the recent high winds will be repaired however unless these are emergencies, they will not be a priority. Cllr Cullen noted that the plans for Holmston House have expired and no further plans have been submitted by the owners.



Colin Love – SAC Asset Transfer Officer.


Colin addressed the room regarding the possibility of transferring ownership, or offering long term lets, of publicly owned buildings.  These premises would not necessary have to be in the FHM area and can be owned by a variety of public bodies – eg the Police.  Community Councils are unable to acquire these properties however local groups are able to apply.   Colin advises that there are a number of funding agencies where applications can be submitted for property maintenance etc.  If any local groups have an interest, they can contact SAC for further details.

(FHMCC Jan Minutes Cont)


2023 Initiatives – all are on hold pending the outcome of the Place Planning funding.   




· The Place Plan.  At the November meeting it was agreed that amendments are needed in the design of the survey.  The SAC Link Officer is taking this forward and will report back.  It was noted that FHMCC find it difficult to move ahead to the next stage (taking the survey to the community) until the survey is more suitable to our area’s needs.

· Holmston House update from Cllr Cullen & FHMCC Vice Chair (& Planning Officer).  The Vice Chair has made extensive enquiries to determine who owns Holmston House. Ownership changed hands following the original company going into administration.  Cllr Cullen will make further enquiries and update us at a future meeting.

· FHMCC boundaries – SAC advise this is in progress

· Symington CC Local Biodiversity Action Plan – it was agreed to support this

· SAC Magazine Contribution – pictures and comments submitted

· Funding update – the next fundraiser is booked for 23rd Feb – Sally Buxton.  The event is being held as usual at Forehill outdoor Bowling club and tickets will be on sale soon.  The usual raffle will also be drawn.



· A Resident of Ayr East emailed to express concern regarding the chemicals used during SAC weed spraying.  Cllr Cullen advised that SAC are committed to using only chemicals within the accepted safety range.

· Acting Chair Dougie Smith updated on expenses owed by SAC.  The Forehill Defib repairs (currently out of commission) and parking changes in Ayr and some surrounding areas.

· An enquiry regarding enforcing the banning of pavement parking is not yet in place in South Ayrshire

· A local Resident would like to raise awareness of the potential danger to dogs on the south side of the River Ayr walk at the ruins near Wallace’s Heel,  There is an unseen drop at the ruins which dogs off the lead cannot see  This may result in pets falling onto the path below and sustaining injuries.

· The acting Chair extends thanks to SAC Officer Colin Love for his presentation regarding Community Asset Transer.



• Tuesday  27th Feb 2024 at Kyle Academy, 7pm



Meeting Agendas


Meeting Agenda, Tuesday June 25th 2024




· Apologies

· May Minutes

· Secretary’s Report  - in agenda

· Treasurer’s Report

· Police Report

· Update on Place Plan

· Visit to Forehill Library – 4th Sept

· Hourstons/Arran Mall survey

· AOB 








Meeting Agenda, Tuesday May 28th 2024



· Apologies

· April Minutes

· Secretary’s Report

· Treasurer’s Report

· Police Report

· Update on Place Plan actions/tasks.

· Update August 10th/11th Fun Weekend – Glencairn Park

· Update on donations to local schools

· AOB 








Meeting Agenda, Tuesday April 30th 2024


· Apologies

· March Minutes

· Secretary’s Report – in agenda

· Treasurer’s Report

· Police Report

· Chairperson Annual Report

· AGM and Officer Elections – Chaired by CC Link officer, Sandra McMath

· Approve Treasurers submission of independently examined statements of account.

· Current Office bearers step down.

· Election of Office Bearers.

· Confirmation of signed Constitution ( signed and dated by the Chair and 2 other CC members)

· Elected Chair welcome to old and new members

· Chair will declare the 2025 AGM meeting date.

· FHMCC 2024/2025 Proposed projects

· FHMCC 2022 Proposed Fundraising Methods/Events

· Place Plan – update on 8th April meeting.

· AOB 







Meeting Agenda, Tuesday March 26th 2024


· Apologies

· February Minutes

· Police Scotland

· Declaration of Interest

· Secretary’s Report – Community Council Elections update

· Treasurer’s Report  

· SAC Councillors report



2023 Initiatives – some on hold pending the outcome of the Place Plan Consultation


· Monitoring of Traffic concerns around local schools - update from Cllrs Cullen and McGinley


Round table


· Place Planning Project

· Forehill shops litter/fly tipping – update Cllr Cullen

· Forehill Defib – update CC Dougie Smith

· Holmston House ownership – update Cllr Cullen and Cllr McGinley

· SPT  local bus service – update CC Mary Elliot

· Lorne Arcade possible evening closure – update Cllr. McGinley

· Former Station Hotel ownership – update Cllr McGinley

· Date for Childrens Fun day at Glencairn Park / Discuss possible spend of some funds








Meeting Agenda, Tuesday February 27th 2024


· Apologies

· February Minutes

· Police Scotland

· Declaration of Interest

· Secretary’s Report (in agenda)

· Treasurer’s Report  

· SAC Councillors report



2023 Initiatives – all on hold pending the outcome of the Place Plan Consultation  


· Castlehill Pathways – proposed sensory path – Cll Cullen - deferred

· Glencairn Park – access to bins, lighting on center path – Cllr Cullen - deferred

· Traffic Concerns - deferred

· Litter/Environment


Round table


· Place Planning Project – discuss / agree Survey publishing timetable in our area

· Place Planning Project – discuss the possible formation of a sub group to liase with BKCC

· Tree felling at 39 Castlehill Road, Ayr – TPO concerns – B. White

· Community Council Constitution - Anne

· Holmston House ownership – update Cllr Cullen

· River Ayr Walk Ruins – safeguarding plans – Cllr Cullen

· Fundraising Update – Samantha / Mary








Meeting Agenda, Tuesday January 30th 2024



· Apologies

· November Minutes

· Police Scotland

· Declaration of Interest

· Secretary’s Report (in agenda)

· Treasurer’s Report  

· SAC Councillors report



2023 Initiatives – all on hold pending the outcome of the Place Plan Consultation  


· Castlehill Pathways – proposed sensory path – Cll Cullen - deferred

· Glencairn Park – access to bins, lighting on center path – Cllr Cullen - deferred

· Traffic Concerns - deferred

· Litter/Environment


Round table


· Place Planning Project – feedback on survey form – Bill/Sandra

· Holmston House update – Cllr Cullen

· Discuss FHMCC boundaries

· Symington Community Council Local Biodiversity Action Plan 

· SAC Magazine Contribution








All meetings of Community Councils, or its Sub–Committees are required to be recorded in the form of written minutes.


Minutes should be agreed and approved at the next meeting of the Community Council, or its Sub–Committee.


A copy of the approved minutes must be sent within two weeks of them being approved to the:


Head of Policy, Community Planning and Public Affairs,
South Ayrshire Council,
County Buildings,
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KA7 1DR,


Anyone wishing a copy of a particular Community Council Minute should contact:


Community Councils,
Legal and Democratic Services,
Resources, Governance and Organisation Directorate,
South Ayrshire Council,
County Buildings,
Wellington Square,
Tel: (01292) 612181,

Community Council Handbook


Please visit this link to view the complete Community Council Handbook.