Food waste bags
Food waste bags
Did you know that rolls of food waste caddy bags are for sale at Forehill Library?

Save the trip into town and pop into the library instead.

This letter is to bring to your attention an increase in the number of sheep worrying reports received in the Ayrshire area. As lambing time approaches, Police Scotland has taken the decision to contact your community to highlight the seriousness of this crime and the penalties it incurs.

Please click on the image to download the letter as a PDF

Forehill Library at 31-33 Mt Oliphant Crescent is a hive of activity! Your local library is an ideal place to spend some time and is open to all ages 0-100! Why not check it out and try something new?

There are board games and jigsaws, a knit and natter group, a colouring book station and as colouring books are increasingly found to be a good source of therapy and relaxation- adults are catered for here too!

Tea and coffee is 50p a cup.
You can make use of the computers within the library, or you can take your own laptop and share the FREE wi-fi.

Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council is looking for suggestions for activities that you want to see at your local library.

Message us on facebook at or email with your suggestions.
It's YOUR community so please get involved!

Home Security Advice from Police Scotland:

South Ayrshire 1000 - Citezens’ Panel
South Ayrshire Council with its partners in the public and voluntary sectors, wants to survey attitudes and views on public services and policy issues.
South Ayrshire 1000
Citizens’ Panels are a way for local people to provide feedback on a range of issues and influence decision makers. The South Ayrshire Citizens’ Panel is called “South Ayrshire 1000” as it is the intention to have 1,000 members on the Panel. We have managed to recruit around 850 people who live in South Ayrshire who volunteered to

The Scottish Government has recently set up a national website highlighting the role of community councils.
See the letter below.
Scottish Government letter to Community Councils. November 2014

GET INVOLVED — Your input is what will help our community come together.
We would love to hear from you. We want this website to be about you. Send us your pictures, share your memories, tell us your stories about our area and we will publish them on our webpages. Let us know if you, or someone you know in the area, is celebrating a special occasion.
Check our website and facebook pages for forthcoming competitions.

Come to our meetings. FHMCC meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 7pm in Kyle Academy and we extend a warm welcome to local residents.
Please email us seven days before the meeting with you agenda item
Join us on Facebook at

Email us at

Phone Us on 07935 169 749

Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Ward 4, Ayr East area map
Click picture to enlarge

Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Sunset over Glencairn Park taken on the 11th March 2014
Click picture to enlarge

Recent News


Home Security Advice from Police Scotland:



Right Care Right Place


Right care Right Place poster



SPT Consultation


SPT Consultation



Hourstons and Arran Mall Consultation

We would like to inform you that the consultation to the Hourstons and Arran Mall, Alloway Street, Ayr is live.

The links to both South Ayrshire Councils website and LMA Architects website to view the consultation is linked below -

There is also a physical display of the consultation boards at the Grain Exchange, 77-81 High Street, Ayr.

We welcome any comments that you have regarding this proposal.



Scotish Fire Service, Public Consultation

Have your say.



Petition on Brown Bin Charge

Sign the petition below.




Good morning,

Forehill, Holmston and Masonhill Community Council is concerned that South Ayrshire Council is planning to introduce an annual £50 charge for Brown Bin collections. We are concerned too that this charge could increase year on year.
The foremost objection is that this decision was taken as a budget decision and without proper and specific consultation, especially failing to consult with Community Councils to seek their views.
In principle, the Community Council holds the position that balanced Council Budgets should ensure that Council Services are paid for under the Council Tax legislation and should not introduce stealth taxes as these create uneconomic, inequitable and unsustainable services. 

We note that this brown bin service and other green initiatives were developed with Scottish Government money to upgrade and modernise waste collection in South Ayrshire and was used to successfully improve recycling rates which would be put in jeopardy and undermine rates already achieved.

In addition, we anticipate that there will be a whole host of unintended consequences including waste displacement and additional tonnage charges at landfill which has not been properly considered.

We are also worried that if this service is allowed a separate charge then other non-statutory services will be subject to additional costs in the future. 

The Community Council requests that South Ayrshire Council reconsiders this decision for the benefit of all residents and to ensure effective and sustainable local services.

We look forward to your response.

With regards and on behalf of the Chair and Members of Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council



Big Bike Appeal

Big Bike Appeal



Community Asset Transfer

Community Asset Transfer



Election Notification

Election Notification



SP Networks, Storm Update

Read the update from SP Networks



Polling Place Review

The Council is currently undertaking a review of polling district and polling places. Full details can be found at the undernoted link:-

Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places - South Ayrshire Council (

If commenting on the suitability of premises it would be helpful if you could provide details of better alternative polling places. Survey forms can be completed online or alternatively emailed or posted to:


Mail: Service Lead – Democratic Governance

South Ayrshire Council

Council Headquarters

County Buildings

Wellington Square


Download the survey form.

Our review period is open until 4pm on the 21 December 2023 and we would welcome any comments that you may have on the proposals.



Ayrshire Climate Action Hub

And nice to e-meet you! 
I'm Lisa Busby, the Regional Coordinator for Ayrshire at SCCAN (Scottish Communities Climate Action Network). 
Over the next few months, it's my role to support community groups and organisations in continuing to develop a Communities Climate Action Network for Ayrshire, but also crucially to support the application for Community Climate Action Hubs for Ayrshire (deadline early December 2023). The Community Climate Action Hub programme is a Scottish Government funded programme, with funding of £4.3m for 2023/24, to support communities to take forward climate action in their areas. 
A Climate Action Hub is a regional level organisation or partnership that provides a strategic approach to climate change action. Hubs do this by helping develop local plans, helping groups identify funding opportunities, facilitating networking, offering project support, and supporting learning.
This page has details on what a hub is and how the funding to set one up works >
At SCCAN we're working hard to construct an inclusive process that involves everyone that wants to be, without adding to existing workloads for groups that may be currently working at capacity (rather supporting capacity), and has the positive outcome of bringing funds into the region quickly to those working at the grassroots and directly with communities. We’re thinking broadly about climate action, as a field that may encompass work from nature restoration to energy solutions, local growing and food sustainability to active travel, and beyond - and climate action work aligning with work tackling widening inequality and rising costs of living. 
Across Ayrshire, we have a few groups interested in being part of a funding bid to establish a climate action hub and deliver activity, and given the tight timescale we have now for getting these applications in for this financial year, I'm looking to identify anyone else that would like to feed into this conversation to get in touch with me as soon as they can. I'm hosting some online community information and conversation sessions in the next few weeks, and I can pass on those details when I have them.
If this is something you'd like to know more about, or could perhaps help raise awareness about within your community I would love to hear from you. In your role on the local community council, if there are community groups in your area who you feel would be interested in this work, I'd be most grateful if you could flag them to me, and I can make sure I get in touch ASAP if I haven't already been in touch. 
Many thanks,

Lisa Busby (she/her)

Ayrshire Climate Action Network Coordinator

Scottish Communities Climate Action Network




SPT Active Travel

SPT Active Travel



It is with great sadness that FHMCC announces the loss of a previous, long serving Community Councillor.

Tom Houston of Forehill, Ayr, passed away peacefully on the 2nd August at Ayr Hospital. He was 83 years young.

Tom served selflessly on Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council from 2013 until the recent elections in March 2023 when he stood down to, in his words, “give someone else a chance”.

Tom was very community‑minded and rarely missed a meeting. He was always to the fore when help was needed with any of our projects. He spoke well on matters which concerned us all and was unfaltering in conveying his thoughts to the appropriate people. We missed his presence very much when he stood down.

FHMCC send sincere condolences and warmest thoughts to his wife, sons, daughter and grandchildren.

Sleep peacefully Tom.

Posted on behalf of Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council Chair and members.




Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council are very dismayed, to put it mildly, to read about the possible closure of traffic lanes in and around Ayr Town Centre.

The claim that chasing car drivers and their passengers to shop in other towns by effectively cutting car access into Ayr Town will then result in 10,000 more people coming into the town centre is quite frankly astonishing and difficult to believe. We wonder in what universe decreasing car entry into town will increase the footfall in Ayr.

Accessible Ayr, can you explain how you reached that number and over how many years this will take to reach the magical 10,000?

Closing a large amount of arterial road into Ayr Town Centre will have a hugely negative effect on the footfall in Ayr. The single traffic lanes will be heavily congested (as is being proven with the current closure of lanes around the King Street roundabout) and will be hugely detrimental to the success of the remaining businesses, restaurants, and public houses in the town, and particularly now as the cost of living crisis continues to reduce profits.

It will create havoc when emergency vehicles attempt to create a path through the traffic, with potentially profound consequences for those awaiting the arrival of, eg, an ambulance or fire brigade.

And where will the benefit be to pedestrians, or indeed cyclists, who will all still have to negotiate even greater road congestion. This will only lead to frustration, upset and quite possibly an increase in injuries.

Overall this is not a well thought through decision by all of those involved.

With the coming of electric buses and cars traffic pollution must be on the decrease.

It is time to open up the town centre to traffic, allowing a flow in both directions. Let's encourage people into the town centre with a minimum of fuss using every means of transport available, and press for new businesses to take a chance on Ayr to help create a bustling town centre once more.

FHMCC call for South Ayrshire Council to arrange a public meeting, (not a consultation), to allow the Residents of Ayr to question Accessible Ayr, SAC Councillors and Council Officers, who have dreamed up this idea, and for them to adequately answer our concerns.

With regards,

The Chair and Committee Members,
Forehill, Holmston & Masonhill Community Council




We're writing to update you about the temporary closure of the above Post Office.

For further information please visit our Consultation Hub via the link below:

Consultation Hub - Forehill KA7 3EN

It would be helpful if you could share this link through your social media channels and with any local groups or organizations within the community to help our customers and your constituents understand what is happening.